Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas...Damn It!

I am officially saying Merry Christmas to everyone I see. I am done with "Happy Holidays!" It rolls off the tongue more easily now because it's been beaten into my brain since high school that Merry Christmas is offensive, not inclusive and not p.c.

But screw it! I am no longer living my life by the creed of what 2% of the population thinks. Real people say Merry Christmas, or Happy Hannakah or Happy Kwanza. They don't diminish the significance of this time of year with the generic, "Happy Holidays!"

I feel my sentiment is recognized by millions out there, and you will see in the next few years, Christmas make a come-back. Hannakuh will make a come-back. Kwanza will be even better known.

So, Merry Effing Christmas!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Chuck-La

It's 10:20 a.m., and I just polished off the second half of my amazing burger from last night. The burger just a few of us in Austin call the Chuck-La.

I'm not sure where the 'La' came in, but the Chuck part is short for the Ground Chuck Burger from Hyde Park Grill.

Oh.My! It's damn good. I actually don't even like Hyde Park Grill that much, but when you sit up at the bar and sink into a juicy burger and crispy fries that are surely laced with opium, you begin to love the place.

Eating Chuck-Las, exploring the hill country and crashing Christmas parties is how I spend my time between semesters. It ain't bad. Ain't

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Getting Intimate with Austin...Again

A long, long time ago, in a parallel universe far, far away before organic chemistry destroyed my social life...I knew Austin. I knew her well.

I even wrote a blog post listing out the first half of all my favorite things about Austin. Unfortunately, I never got to my promised second half of that posting. But, I'm glad for that. Truth is, there are more than two halves of why I love Austin. There are too many interesting places, people and activities to boil down into just two blog posts. Like a distant wife whose interest in romance has dwindled, I had little time or energy reserves for romancing Austin. But, now I'm back. Back to love and play in Austin....for at least one more month before spring semester.

Here are some Austin past times I took part in this weekend:

Enjoying creative personalities and talented artists who architect their own homes in edgy, genuine, fun shack infested East Austin. Here is just one hazy picture of the house I had dinner in on Saturday night. It shows the large sliding glass wall that opens up into the kitchen:

Crashing Olivia's Christmas Party. Olivia is a new restaurant on South First, and their Christmas party was at Momo's downtown. Black Joe Lewis was the entertainment. My friend and I were the some of the only people dancing. What is it with white people?! Black Joe Lewis captures the essence of James Brown, Marvin Gaye and later day Van Morrison. Is it possible to stand still while you watch them? Absolutely not!

Now, here is a picture of something I normally do every Sunday, but didn't get time to this past weekend. Below, witness a picture from the best Mexican breakfast in town. Or, easily the best in my part of Austin, Hyde Park - Julio's. Notice how mangled and curly the bacon looks. It's that crispy. Best bacon in town and anywhere.

So, a sampling of why I love Austin. Some extra gems from the weekend that were not photographed were:

  • Walking by the Shipe Park tennis courts in Hyde Park to see doubles being played by 4 old hippies in ripped off jean shorts, shirtless and playing with wooden rackets avec long white beards and sweat bands.
  • Sipping coffee at Quack's Bakery listening to two old friends catch up over music and bands in town. "Guess who is back together?" asked the one man, to which is friend replied with joy, "No! Not the Ass Monkeys?!"
There you have it....Keeping Austin Weird!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Last Days of Organic Chemistry

Orgo Chem, I knew thee well.
Oh, how you made my life a living hell.
But alas I study for my last big test,
And to you, farewell, I wish you all the best.

For some other co-ed, you will torture and mame
They may drop out of pre-med, their life not the same.
Twenty years later they will look back with hate,
Oh, organic chem, how you twist people's fate.

It's a bummer, you know, this ochem of lore.
If you're doing it well, you must be a bore.
A nerd or a freak with a "beautiful mind,"
For the rest of us real folk, a pain in the rear-hind.

But, you'll haunt me no more, as I defeat the Alkenes,
the Alkynes and bonds, the rings of Benzenes.
I am done with you now, as I shred my last note,
The fat lady had sung, and that's all she wrote!

Margaret & Helen

I want to thank my very talented writer friend Meredith Hight for introducing me to this blog: Margaret and Helen.

You'll have to just check it out for yourself. Link