Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Last Days of Organic Chemistry

Orgo Chem, I knew thee well.
Oh, how you made my life a living hell.
But alas I study for my last big test,
And to you, farewell, I wish you all the best.

For some other co-ed, you will torture and mame
They may drop out of pre-med, their life not the same.
Twenty years later they will look back with hate,
Oh, organic chem, how you twist people's fate.

It's a bummer, you know, this ochem of lore.
If you're doing it well, you must be a bore.
A nerd or a freak with a "beautiful mind,"
For the rest of us real folk, a pain in the rear-hind.

But, you'll haunt me no more, as I defeat the Alkenes,
the Alkynes and bonds, the rings of Benzenes.
I am done with you now, as I shred my last note,
The fat lady had sung, and that's all she wrote!

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