Another year of Camp Periwinkle goes by. This was my second year volunteering a week in August to the Periwinkle Foundation and their camp for children with cancers and some blood disorders. You can check out the pictures here.
Every year I wonder if people will understand what it's like at camp when I tell them. Typically, the words "magical", "inspiring" and "transformative" are the ones I choose to describe camp. It's a week of incredible miracles of the human spirit.
This year, Camp Periwinkle celebrated its 25th anniversary and it's a true testament to the people who organize camp every year that most counselors have been coming back for 5, 10, 15 and 20 years. I am a real newbie, but plan on being a repeat volunteer as long as they will have me.
Working with kids who are fighting diseases with no discernible cure and only treatments has very little to do with sacrifice on my part. It is a privilege to even spend time with them, get a hug, smile or share a cry with them. They teach me far more than I could ever give them.
See you next year Camp Periwinkle.
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